Hi, I’m Caleb

It’s my mission is to help young individuals develop the mental strength tools and emotional skills necessary to thrive in today's demanding world. Through y engaging and authentic storytelling, it’s my passion to inspire students to unlock their potential and embrace a healthier and happier future.


I know several of you are probably trying to put the pieces together with how and why a 6’2”, 240lb ex-NFL athlete with a neck the size of some people’s thighs is on a mission to help students become the strongest version of themselves so that they can perform at their best and live healthy and happy lives. Let me explain.


My name is Caleb and I grew up on a farm in Texas where I walked a pig. Yes, a pig. I also played football and I was kind of good.

Football earned me a full scholarship to the United States Military Academy at West Point. There, I started all four years, became a team captain, and made national news as the second player in West Point's history to be drafted into the NFL and the first player given the permission to go and play.

But it was during my NFL career, at the height of my childhood dream, that I began to lose control.

Despite being physically at my peak, I lacked the emotional skills and tools to manage the non-stop pressure to excel in a high-performance environment. This took a toll on my mental health and emotional wellness.

Back then, I thought admitting to my inner struggle meant I was a failure.

Afraid to disappoint those closest to me, I wore my game face both on and off the field. Day after day, the pressure intensified, leading to daily panic attacks, crippling anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and substance abuse.

While I wanted to point the finger and place the blame on my life situation, deep down I knew that nothing in my life was going to change until I took responsibility for my mental health.

That’s when I made one of the most courageous and challenging decisions of my life: walking away from the NFL to regain control of my life.

Over the last few years, I've spoken at hundreds of schools and to thousands of students. While they may not face the pressures of the NFL, they still experience immense pressure to achieve and build their resumes in all aspects of their young lives.

In high-achieving schools, students must out-compete each other for coveted spots, whether it's a seat in AP calculus, a place on the debate team, or a spot at a top-tier college. Activities that once reduced stress, like playing a musical instrument or a sport, have become a means to an end.

As a result of these mounting pressures, students face significantly higher rates of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and troubling behaviors.

But, what I know to be true from my own story and also from working with countless students is that it doesn’t have to be this way.

Now, it’s my passion to build trust, create space, share a message and facilitate brave conversations to help students become the strongest version of themselves through mental strength tools and emotional honesty skills.



“As a mother, I applaud you for what you are doing. As a teacher, I’m grateful for you opening up a dialogue that teachers have been struggling to make more open for years. ”
Jessica | New York


“Caleb was able to reach students in 45 minutes that we haven’t been able to reach all year.”
Jeff | California

“Caleb didn’t impact the students, he made us realize what’s important for us as teachers, too. We’re still talking about his time with us.”
Caroline | Wyoming


“Caleb didn’t just deliver a keynote to our student leaders, he potentially saved their lives.”
Lori | California